$UHURU — The Afrofuturist Culturecoin

$UHURU aims to be the culturecoin of choice for the e/afro community across Farcaster and wider socials; major art marketplaces; and its grant program to support Afrofuturist creators of all walks.

0 mints

A Meme with Meaning

Afrofuturism has reshaped the global zeitgeist with its blend of diaspora history, sci-fi, and futurism. $UHURU aims to be the culturecoin of choice for the e/afro community across Farcaster and wider socials; major art marketplaces; and its grant program to support Afrofuturist creators of all walks.
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From 'freedom' in Swahili, $UHURU celebrates the creative potential of the African diaspora. This culturecoin embodies the new spirit of "effective Afrofuturism" (e/afro), a strategic and impactful channeling of the Continent's creative force into tangible advancements and meaningful cultural impact.
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The 2,000,000,000 $UHURU token supply represents the 2-billion-strong of Africa & the diaspora. There are no taxes on the token. • 70% Community - Airdrops, Grants, Rewards, Partners • 20% Ecosystem - Project development and management • 10% Liquidity Pool - Managed and locked by the P00LS DAO in exchange for LP fees on Aerobase and other DEXes
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$UHURU will be distributed through multi-dimensional community-building allocation channels • Farcaster Airdrop - Early followers, contributors & builders • Curated Grants - Founder-selected notable African diaspora creators • Community Grants - Member nominated and voted on through JokeRace • Token Rewards - Ongoing engagement recognition through P00LS DAO • Partnerships - Aligned organizations for distribution to their members • NFT Purchase Rewards - Buyers of artworks from founding artists
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$UHURU is an ERC-20 compatible digital token. It has no functions, utility, intrinsic value, promise, or expectation of any financial return, profit, interest, or dividend. It exists as a hopeful alternative to speculative pump-and-dump cryptocurrencies by aiming to spread Afrofuturism's hope and world-building potential far and wide.
Source: t.me

How to Buy

Please visit the site for full instructions on how to get $UHURU.
Source: uhuru-coin.com

