Privy –– Passkey Sign-in

Login with Face ID is one of the best ways to balance security and UX for your app. Passkeys make this possible. With today's launch, you can allow users to link passkeys to their accounts, and log in with them from there!

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Login with Face ID is one of the best ways to balance security and UX for your app. Passkeys make this possible. With today's launch, you can allow users to link passkeys to their accounts, and log in with them from there! Biometrics for login are seamless and secure, making passkeys a rare win/win for security and UX. We're excited to see many browsers and operating systems embrace passkeys, but we recognize they're not yet a silver bullet. They can be tricky to use cross-device and they're not supported on all browsers. This can lead to account loss in ~10% of cases if implemented naively. Enter: Privy! We’ve worked hard to identify and stamp out edge cases, so your users get the benefits of this exciting technology, without the potential of reaching a dead end they could not have foreseen when they signed up. Users are not one size fits all, and we know account values fluctuate over time. Accordingly, we’ve taken care to build a system that can scale with your users’ use of your app. To prevent account lockout, passkey login users will always have a fallback sign in method.
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