Introducing Backdrop Boost, Opening more doors for Backdrop Build projects

Backdrop Boost connects top Build projects with accelerators, incubators, grant programs, and other support systems.

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Backdrop Boost connects top Build projects with accelerators, incubators, grant programs, and other support systems. From day one our mission has been to support builders shipping great products at the edges of what is possible. That's why we're thrilled to announce the launch of our latest initiative: Backdrop Boost. We know building something great takes time, and we have been thrilled to see so many builders coming back to multiple Build programs. Boost is another step towards connecting promising projects with the resources they need to really take off.
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What is Boost?

Partnering with accelerators, incubators, venture firms, grant programs, and other startup programs, Boost helps open doors for top projects in Build. Here's how it works: > Finalist project selection: At the conclusion of each Build program, we select a number of finalist projects out of the hundreds of launches. We send those finalists out to our Boost partners based on the partner’s particular areas of focus. > Facilitating applications/intros: We work with Boost partners to identify good potential matches, and then facilitate intros and applications to make life easier for builders. We’ve got an amazing network of partners lined up already to support builders, including Google Cloud, IDEO CoLab, Press Start Capital, Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator, Seed Club, TachyonX, Horizon, and more to announce soon.
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Join Us!

If you help give builders superpowers, we’d love to work with you. To become a Boost partner or learn more about the Backdrop, please reach out to Emily at [email protected].
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