Scoop –– Bet on the growth of your friends with collectible cards

Scoop is a game that lets you bet on the growth of your friends. Every Farcaster profile is turned into a collection of cards. The price of the cards is determined by a bonding curve. Every time a card is bought or sold, a 4% transaction fee is taken and added to a community pool. At the end of everyday, creators on Farcaster are ranked by their engagement score (likes, new follows etc). The owners of the top ranking cards receive rewards (proportional to their ownership) from the community pool. The better your creator does on Farcaster, the more you earn. Farcaster creators earn a cut of every trade that happens on their profile. Rewards are held in a smart contract until creators claim their cards. Like, re-cast and reply on Farcaster with your favorite flavor of ice cream for an invite.


Read the launch cast


